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Swami Vivekananda

Bhagavan - "Possessor of all powers." Great Lord
Bhakti - Intense love for God
Bhakti-Yoga - Union with the Divine through devotion
Bhavana - Pondering; meditation
Bodha - Intelligence
Brahma - The Creator of the universe
Brahmacharya - Chastity in thought, word and deed
Brahman - The One Existence, the Absolute
Brahmavidya - Knowledge of Brahman, the supreme wisdom that leads to Mukti
Buddhi - The determinative faculty

Chaitanya - Pure intelligence. Name of a great Hindu sage (born 1485) who is regarded as a Divine Incarnation
Chitta - Mind Stuff

Dana - Charity
Daya - Mercy, compassion, doing good to others without hope of return
Devas - The "shining ones," semi-divine beings representing states attained by workers of good
Devaloka - Abode of the gods
Dharma - Virtue. Religious duty

Gunas - Qualities, attributes
Guru - " the dispeller of darkness." The real guru is a transmitter of the spiritual impulse that quickens the spirit and awakens a genuine thirst for religion.

Hamsa - The Jiva, or individual soul
Hatha Yoga - The science of controlling body and mind, but with no spiritual end in view, bodily perfection being the only aim
Hum - A mystic word used in meditation as symbolic of the highest Bliss

Isvara - The Supreme Ruler; the highest possible conception through reason, of the Absolute, which is beyond all thought

Jagrat - Waking state
Jnana - Pure intelligence. Knowledge

Kalyana - Blessings
Karma - Work or action, also effects of actions; the law of cause and effect in the moral world
Karma-Yoga - Union with the Divine through the unselfish performance of duty
Kundalini - "the coiled-up." The residual energy, located according to the Yogis, at the base of the spine, and which in ordinary men produces dreams, imagination, psychical perceptions, etc., and which, when fully aroused and purified, leads to the direct perception of God

Mantra - Any prayer, holy verse, sacred or mystic word recited or contemplated during worship
Maya - Mistaking the unreal and phenomenal for the real and eternal
Moksha - Freedom, liberation (Mukti)
Mukti - Emancipation from rebirth

Namah - Salutation
Nataraja - " Lord of the stage." Sometimes used for God as the Lord of this vast stage the universe

Om or Omkara - The most holy word of the Vedas. A symbolic word meaning the Supreme Being, the Ocean of Knowledge and Bliss Absolute
Om tat sat - "Om That Existence." That Ocean of Knowledge and Bliss Absolute, the only Reality

Paramahamsa - Supreme soul
Prakriti - Nature
Prana - The sum total of the cosmic energy, the vital forces of the body
Pratibha - Divine illumination

Samadhi - Super-consciousness
Samskaras - Impressions in the mind-stuff that produce habits
Santosa - Contentment
Sattvika - Having the Sattva quality highly developed, hence one who is pure and holy
Satyam - Truthfulness
Siddhas - Semi-divine beings, or Yogis, who have attained supernatural powers
Siva - The "Destroyer" 
Sivoham - "I am Siva" (or eternal bliss)
Sloka - Verse
Soham - "I am He"
Sraddha - Strong faith 

"Tat tvam asi" - "That thou art"

Vidya - Science, or Knowledge
Vidvan - One who knows
Vishnu - The "Preserver", who takes care of the universe, and who incarnates from time to time to help mankind

Yuga - A cycle or age of the world


Hare Krishna Mantra

Bhagavad Gita, Jai Shree Krishna

Gayatri Mantra

Aspects of Hinduism

From " The Song Celestial" - Bhagavad Gita

Wisdom and Inner Knowledge

Mind Body Spirit Soul

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