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Meditation Moments

Prabuddha Bharata:

Be constantly alert. How hollow is life! Trust not the senses. These are swayed by pleasure and by pain. Go thou beyond! Thou art the Soul! At any moment the body may go! Indeed, who knows the hour! Therefore, keep thy vision fixed unalterably on the Ideal. Saturate thy mind with ennobling thoughts. Not in the hour of death, but in the hours of life keep thy mind free and pure. Then, if death overtake thee of a sudden, thou art prepared. Live thy life as though thou wert even now about to die. Then shall thou truly live. Time is fleeting, but thou canst make eternity of time provided thou dost think eternal and immortal thoughts. 

The Spirit of Man is infinite.

Hari Om Tat Sat! 

Swami Trigunalita:

Where there is satisfaction, there is the solution. 
Where there is restlessness, there is ignorance. 
If we can be quiet, calm, peaceful, satisfied, we are wise. 

What does that mean? It means that we are to know nothing. Our worldly knowledge is limited; the mystery of nature is solved in other than worldly ways, and the language to express that solution must be different from our language of this world. When we become spiritually minded, everything is solved. There is no more question, - it is just like a calm sea, - no more ignorance or doublings; everything is lighted up. To such a mind as this comes eternal calmness. 

The time will come when  even highly educated persons - highly intellectual persons - will be spiritual.

The nation that rises spiritually rises in civilization. When we talk of rising, we begin with matter; then we deal with physical science, or physiology; if we go further we talk of the mind and deal with mental  science, or metaphysics; still further we deal with the Spirit that is over all and everything, - the world, the body, and the mind. Only spiritual science can unveil the mystery of the universe.

There will come a time when the veil will be taken away.

Meditation 1

Meditation 2

Meditation 4

Hare Krishna Mantra

Gayatri Mantra

Ram Mantra, Rama Mantra ...

Aspects of Hinduism

From " The Song Celestial" - Bhagavad Gita

Ganesh Mantra

Mind Body Spirit Soul

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