Weight Reduction Surgery or Weight Loss Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy?

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Category Weight Loss Surgery, Weight Control Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy, Slimming, Dieting, Lose Weight, Health and Fitness ...

When you really want to lose weight, chances are you will try anything that looks promising. You may have tried all or many of the weight loss options below:

  • Weight Loss Program / Weight Loss Plan of one sort or another
  • Weight Loss Diet
  • Weight Loss Training
  • Weight loss workshop
  • Dieting Plan 
  • Diet bars
  • Diet drinks
  • Appetite Control and Suppressants
  • Carb. Blockers 

You may have heard in the news that as a last resort an increasing number of people are turning to ... weight reduction surgery. When people are faced with a choice, "life or the knife," they will often opt for surgery. 

But why get into that life threatening position in the first place when there are very good and non-intrusive weight loss alternatives?

The good news - your life is in your hands. You have options. Take action in time - and you can take control of your weight with the power of your own mind. Hypnosis and other related therapies work for many people. You can have a good life without the knife.

Complementary therapies are offered in conjunction with our fellow professionals. Where beneficial to you, we may suggest a “combo” program, combining all or some of the therapies below:

For more details or to book an appointment for Hypnosis, Reiki, NLP, contact: us (some out of office hour appointments may be available from time to time) 

With best wishes ...

Copyright, 2007: KK
Advanced Scientific Hypnotherapy Consultant
Certified Instructor in Hypnotherapy and Hypnosis
Board Certified Hypnotist
NLP Master Practitioner
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Weight Loss Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy, Be Slim Naturally, Weight Loss Hypnotherapy Clinic - Concise Encyclopedia.com